Conceptual Vistas, LLC ~


Conceptual Vistas, LLC offers number of services, both traditional and uncommon. If our capabilities to discover, clarify and illuminate concepts, can augment your efforts, we’d like to configure a consultancy to that end.

Conceptual Data Modeling is a process of defining a structure for Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), databases at a level coherent to knowledge workers that maps directly to fully normalized logical and physical schemas.

Presentation creation is a means of putting into tangible form the concepts that are the basis of your message. We can work with you to create a presentation that will effectively express those concepts.

As a sounding board for your ideas and challenges, we can provide a service that should not be underestimated. Rather than trying to impose our assessment of what you should do, we can help you to define, develop and implement guiding principles, possible strategies and alternative approaches.

Website design, while not an integral part of our business model, we can offer evaluation and assessment of some aspects of your current website, and help you plan a more effective use of internet and intranet services. ~ We can also design basic complete websites for low volume and concurrency operations.

No matter what type and degree of service you choose, we will try to arrange a series of deliverables that have value in their own right, and indicate the progress we are making toward a completed project.

As a corporate entity, we choose to abide by a set of common ethical and moral standards. We will not accept as clients those that wish to use our services to further any effort to commit or aid any illegal, immoral or unethical acts. ~ We reserve the right to refuse to accept or comply with any agreement that we deem in violation of these standards.